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Planet Green Valley is a science fiction created by me in 2003. It tells a story about how humans in the future migrate to remote planets. I made use of my spare time to conduct several scenario-related concept designs. However, the creation was stopped due to personal affairs.

Below is an introduction of the concept scenario initially created for the science fiction:

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It was not until 2015 that I had the idea to finish writing it and make it into a film. Since I had left it aside for a long time, the original story had been changed greatly. I wanted to make it into a film series, telling stories about how humans in the future leave the Earth and go to explore and develop remote planets. Though every story is an independent chapter, some characters are interconnected. The huge time span is a major cause of that.

Planet Green Valley is the first part, introducing how humans go to the planet. Stories between the female protagonist, Laiya, and several other young people are told to show a magnificent journey of humans to explore the universe and the galaxy and seek the origin of life.

Even since my childhood, I have been quite interested into the universe and the science fiction films. As my knowledge grew, I had the idea of creating a science fiction about universe exploration on my own. In the fiction, I could try to realize the dream of exploring the space. I also hoped that this story could encourage the young generation can bravely embark on the journey.

In the current stagey, the story was told in the form of CG animation. However, my final goal was to make it into a real film. However, I alone cannot make this come true. If you are interested into the story or want to participate in making the film or have any suggestions or are interested in cooperating with me and investing into the film, please contact me. Your help and support are the most appreciated.